


Sweater, thrifted // Belt, thrifted // Shorts, thrifted // Shoes, Newport News

Yeah, so almost my entire get-up here is freshly thrifted (or at least the main bits). When I saw this sweater, I immediately thought of the vintage Escada sweater that Rumi from fashiontoast posted about a while back but I assumed it would be oddly shaped and uncomfortable (and I’m also pretty reluctant to buy something just because I saw something similar on a blog) so I let it be for a bit. When, after 10 minutes or so, I still felt the itch, I threw it on with a pair of crazy pants I was trying on and realized I loved it. I got the belt a while back though. You can’t really tell but it’s a little boys belt with communist sybols all round it and I knew it had to be mine. I may post pictures of what I wear tonight later on cause I’m going to a friend’s party and I’m going to look good.